Results for 'A. Pedro Ramírez'

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  1. Social Support Mediates the Effect of Burnout on Health in Health Care Professionals.Pablo Ruisoto, Marina R. Ramírez, Pedro A. García, Belén Paladines-Costa, Silvia L. Vaca & Vicente J. Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and caused by exposure to excessive and prolonged stress related to job conditions. Moreover, burnout is highly prevalent among health care professionals. The aim of this study is, first, to examine the mediating role of social support over the effect of burnout in health care professionals and, second, to explore potential gender differences. A convenience sample of 1,035 health professionals from Ecuador, including 608 physicians and 427 nurses, was surveyed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory, (...)
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  2. A stability transfer theorem in d-tame metric abstract elementary classes.Pedro Hernán Zambrano Ramírez - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (4):333-341.
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    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human and nonhuman (...)
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    The social impact of Snowden’s revelations on Mexican youngsters.Andrew A. Adams, Juan Carlos Yáñez-Luna, Pedro I. González Ramírez, Mario Arias-Oliva & Kiyoshi Murata - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):283-296.
    Purpose As part of an international study of knowledge of and attitudes to Snowden’s revelations about the activities of the National Security Agency/Government Communications Headquarters, this paper aims to deal with Mexico, taking its socio-cultural and political environment surrounding privacy and state surveillance into account. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire was answered by 160 Mexican University students. The quantitative responses to the survey were statistically analysed as well as qualitative considerations of free text answers. Findings Snowden’s revelations have had a limited influence (...)
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    Resilience and digital competences in higher education students.Pedro Emilio Jaimes Delgado, Liliana Margarita Pérez Olmos, Orlando Celis Salazar & Liliana Ramírez Pabón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-8.
    Resilience and digital skills could be considered necessary competencies for the individual of the twenty-first century, which the current social reality suggests. For this reason we carried out a research in the institution of higher education -IES- Corporación Escuela Tecnológica del Oriente, of Bucaramanga-Colombia, which had a dual purpose: to describe resilience and digital competence in 356 of its students and establish a comparison between the values of these two aspects and those reported in other HEIs in Mexico, using a (...)
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    La perspectiva ética.Pedro M. Sasía, Xabier Etxeberria, Javier Martínez Contreras & Galo Bilbao Alberdi (eds.) - 2018 - Madrid: Tecnos.
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  7. Quale futuro per l'antropologia cristiana? Guardando il secolo XXI dalla prospettiva di Giovanni Paolo II.A. Pedro Barrajon - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (3):457-484.
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    Filosofía del mando: ensayos.Pedro Recacho Eguía - 1982 - Madrid, España: Editorial Naval.
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    Principle of Limiting Factors-Driven Piecewise Population Growth Model I: Qualitative Exploration and Study Cases on Continuous-Time Dynamics.Héctor A. Echavarria-Heras, Cecilia Leal-Ramírez, Guillermo Gómez & Elia Montiel-Arzate - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-24.
    We examine the comportment of the global trajectory of a piecewisely conceived single species population growth model. Formulation relies on what we develop as the principle of limiting factors for population growth, adapted from the law of the minimum of Liebig and the law of the tolerance of Shelford. The ensuing paradigm sets natality and mortality rates to express through extreme values of population growth determining factor. Dynamics through time occur over different growth phases. Transition points are interpreted as thresholds (...)
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of Gait in the Human Basal Ganglia and the PPN Region in Parkinson’s Disease.Rene Molina, Chris J. Hass, Kristen Sowalsky, Abigail C. Schmitt, Enrico Opri, Jaime A. Roper, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Christopher W. Hess, Kelly D. Foote, Michael S. Okun & Aysegul Gunduz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation to Treat Medication-Refractory Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease.Rene Molina, Chris J. Hass, Stephanie Cernera, Kristen Sowalsky, Abigail C. Schmitt, Jaimie A. Roper, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Enrico Opri, Christopher W. Hess, Robert S. Eisinger, Kelly D. Foote, Aysegul Gunduz & Michael S. Okun - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Treating medication-refractory freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease remains challenging despite several trials reporting improvements in motor symptoms using subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus internus deep brain stimulation. Pedunculopontine nucleus region DBS has been used for medication-refractory FoG, with mixed findings. FoG, as a paroxysmal phenomenon, provides an ideal framework for the possibility of closed-loop DBS.Methods: In this clinical trial, five subjects with medication-refractory FoG underwent bilateral GPi DBS implantation to address levodopa-responsive PD symptoms with open-loop stimulation. Additionally, PPN (...)
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    Paul Valéry: paradojas y desafíos del arte en el sistema económico moderno.John Ramírez Jaramillo - 2017 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 29 (2):385-406.
    Este artículo busca demostrar que el pensamiento de Paul Valéry desarrolla un análisis crítico de las condiciones en que el arte establece su relación con el sistema económico moderno. Para validar dicha hipótesis, inicialmente es presentada la noción de “máquina económica”, con la que es descrita la teoría de la economía, y son definidas las características de los objetos útiles e inútiles que componen el mercado. A su turno, el artículo detalla el proceso histórico de la mercantilización del arte en (...)
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  13. On Symmetries and Springs.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    Imagine that we are on a train playing with some mechanical systems. Why can’t we detect any differences in their behavior when the train is parked versus when it is moving uniformly? The standard answer is that boosts are symmetries of Newtonian systems. In this paper, I use the case of a spring to argue that this answer is problematic because symmetries are neither sufficient nor necessary for preserving its behavior. I also develop a new answer according to which boosts (...)
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    Análisis de la teoría genética a la luz de la estructura de las revoluciones científicas.Pedro Martínez-Gómez, Ana Cuevas-Badallo & María Cerezo - 2015 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 6:29-48.
    The Post-genomic Era includes features both from a methodological and epistemic point of view and from an ontological perspective. Firstly, it incorporates new methods of high-throughput sequencing of DNA and RNA, and the development of complete genomes that allow a precise reference of the molecular results obtained. In addition, from an ontological perspective, the centre of gravity of the molecular processes is placed on the expression of genes, and the way in which such expression is regulated; these features turn the (...)
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    Nursing commentary to “Surrogate decision-making in crisis”.Alice Bernadette Kavati & Fritzie Ramirez - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The neonatal nurse forges a unique partnership with parents of a critically ill infant who are often, unexpectedly, exposed to the bewildering and complex environment that is neonatal intensive care, helping navigate them through this unchartered territory. Our role is multifaceted, with the primary focus of providing care in the best interests of our patients.1 This is realised through the provision of high-quality evidence-based care, advocating for the needs of the baby and family, and when required acting as a linchpin (...)
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  16. Une Controverse sur Origène à la Renaissance: Jean Pic de La Mirandole et Pierre Garcia.Henri Crouzel, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola & Pedro García (eds.) - 1977 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    La dissertation sur Origène de Jean Pic de La Mirandole dans l'Apologia.--La dissertation sur Origène de Pierre Garcia dans les Déterminations magistrales.
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    Más allá Del ateísmo, la religión Y el nihilismo. La “irreligión” filosófica de Quentin meillassoux.Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (75):237-265.
    The article explains and advocates in favor of Quentin Meillassoux’s proposal of “irreligious philosophy” or “philosophical irreligion”, that is, of a third position between religion and atheism that defends the conception of a nonexistent God and a God to come, as well as an ethical-philosophical recovery of the notions of hope, immortality, justice, and divinity. With references to different thinkers in the history of philosophy, we seek to frame the meaning and value of Meillassoux’s conception. After a brief exposition of (...)
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    La estructura del diálogo platónico.Pedro Bádenas de la Peña - 1984 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Antonio de Nebrija".
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  19. Symmetries and Representation.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez & Geoffrey Hall - forthcoming - Philosophy Compass.
    It is often said in physics that if two models of a theory are related by a symmetry, then the two models provide (or could provide) two different representations of the very same situation, alike the case of two maps of different color for the very same city. It is also said that the situations represented by two models of a theory are indiscernible in some ways when the models in question are related by a symmetry of the theory, just (...)
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  20. The Promise of Manumission: Appropriations and Responses to the Notion of Emancipation in the Caribbean and South America in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2024 - In Kris Sealey & Benjamin P. Davis (eds.), Creolizing Critical Theory: New Voices in Caribbean Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 61-81.
    In this text, I consider two examples in the history of emancipation and manumission of enslaved, Black populations in the Caribbean and South America in order to theorize a colonial mode of conceiving of freedom at play in the first half of the nineteenth century. This mode is marked by the figure of the promise, enacting a notion of freedom as a constantly deferred, external compensation. Indeed, instead of an immediate decision deeming the practice of enslavement and trade of human (...)
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    A Multi-Level Interdependent Hierarchy of Interpersonal Synergies in Team Sports: Theoretical Considerations.Rodrigo Santos & Pedro Passos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Base policial de ADN y autodeterminación informativa: el consentimiento para la obtención de muestras biológicas.Francisco Ramírez Peinado - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 52:249-272.
    This study aims to point out the disfunction produced in the application of organic law 10/ 2007, which regulates the police base of identifiers obtained from DNA, in relation to the police obtaining biological samples of detained persons. Because of the compulsory and authomatic nature of the registration of DNA database of suspected, detained or charged reached in the investigation of the crimes predetermined by law, it has been derived a similar automatism in the obtaining of biological samples from the (...)
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  23. Lecciones de filosofía, en conformidad al programa oficial.Fernández Riffo & Pedro[From Old Catalog] - 1941 - Santiago de Chila,: Imprenta universitaria.
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  24. Providing stability to our world. Identity, Geach and Quine.Olga Ramirez Calle - 2024 - Logos and Episteme (1):37-56.
    The problem of identity is central to epistemic transference. However, relative identity appears to be the only way to work out an epistemic useful notion of identity. Relative identity, on its part, is either parasitic on strict identity or not identity at all. If, on the contrary, we ought for a strict concept of identity capable of satisfying its requirements, we end up with a tautologic and epistemic worthless category. The paper provides an answer to this problem, which, while working (...)
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    Da Filosofia como Universalização: Universalidade e Situação da Filosofia num Passo Nuclear de A Razão Experimental de Leonardo Coimbra.António Pedro Mesquita - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1/4):539 - 553.
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    Nicanor Plaza y Francisco Gazitúa: diálogo en torno a El Caupolicán.Pedro Emilio Zamorano Pérez - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:84-100.
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    Foucault(´s) method? Issues around a practice oriented towards recreating history.Pedro Eduardo Moscoso-Flores & Nicolás Fuster Sánchez - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):261-284.
    This paper seeks to highlight the methodological contributions developed by Michel Foucault in regard to a critical history. We propose a tour through various passages of the thinker´s work, with the aim of bashing the main elements that allegedly make up his method. From this exercise we maintain that, in order to record the existence of a Foucauldian method, it is necessary to reproblematize this notion beyond the displacements around the well-known three moments of his work -archeological/genealogical/ethical-, reorienting the look (...)
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    A Comparison Analysis Between Pre-departure and Transitioned Expat-Preneurs.Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Jurga Duobienė & Antonio Mihi-Ramirez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This paper contributes to the understanding on the reasons that lead to entrepreneurship in other countries. We focus on expat-preneurs, those who decided to undertake business opportunities in other countries (before or after settling there). Using comparison analysis and logistic regression, we examine pre-departure and transitioned expat-preneurs’ demographic characteristics and push-pull factors that lead them to expatriate. From a survey conducted in 2015-2016 of 5,532 Lithuanians expatriated in 24 countries, a sample of 308 respondents with their own businesses abroad was (...)
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    Embodiment Comfort Levels During Motor Imagery Training Combined With Immersive Virtual Reality in a Spinal Cord Injury Patient.Carla Pais-Vieira, Pedro Gaspar, Demétrio Matos, Leonor Palminha Alves, Bárbara Moreira da Cruz, Maria João Azevedo, Miguel Gago, Tânia Poleri, André Perrotta & Miguel Pais-Vieira - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Brain–machine interfaces combining visual, auditory, and tactile feedback have been previously used to generate embodiment experiences during spinal cord injury rehabilitation. It is not known if adding temperature to these modalities can result in discomfort with embodiment experiences. Here, comfort levels with the embodiment experiences were investigated in an intervention that required a chronic pain SCI patient to generate lower limb motor imagery commands in an immersive environment combining visual, auditory, tactile, and thermal feedback. Assessments were made pre-/ post-, throughout (...)
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    Entre Simone de Beauvoir e Ana Cristina Cesar: um estudo sobre a literatura da mulher.João Pedro Cerdeira - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):302-320.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o conceito de “literatura da mulher” a partir da leitura de duas importantes autoras do século XX: a filósofa francesa Simone de Beauvoir e a poeta, tradutora e crítica literária brasileira Ana Cristina Cesar. Ainda que distantes entre si, encontramos na produção intelectual de ambas as autoras diversas aproximações possíveis que nos permitem refletir a respeito das relações entre gênero e literatura a partir de noções como alteridade e representação, contribuindo para o debate (...)
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  31. Os primitivos e a educação.Ari Pedro Oro - 1981 - In Ari Pedro Oro, Urbano Zilles & Antônio Renato Henriques (eds.), Filosofia da educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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  32. Aristóteles: la felicidad (eudaimonía) como fin de fines.S. J. Fabio Ramírez Muñoz - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:213-223.
    El objeto de este artículo es tratar el tema del fin último o felicidad en la ética de Aritótles, y específicamente en la Ética a Nicómaco, pero distinguiéndolo en tres temas que no deben confundirse: el fin de la política como disciplina arquitectónica, el fin de la vida humana buena y la felicidad. Aunque estos dos fines y la felicidad, según Aristóteles, son lo mismo, podría decirse, usando una expresión muy suya, que “su esencia no es lo misma”. El tratamiento (...)
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    Enseñanza de bioética en la Carrera de odontología. Reflexiones Y prostectivas.Ricardo Von Kretschmann-Ramírez & Ángela Arenas Massa - 2016 - Persona y Bioética 20 (2).
    The awareness of educators in the health sciences with respect to promoting ethical conduct when instructing dental students is reflected in the undergraduate curriculum. This study is intended to discover the different ways these subjects are taught. A manual review of the literature published in databases indexed in SciELO during the years from 1999 to 2014 was done to that end, under the heading health sciences, humanities, applied social sciences, specifically literature that can be accessed in full, free of charge (...)
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    The role of the university extension in the local transformation and the social development.Julio Cedeño Ferrín & Evelio Felipe Machado Ramírez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):371-390.
    La extensión universitaria es una de las vías en las que la Universidad demuestra su carácter de centro cultural de suma importancia para el desarrollo. En el artículo se valora su importancia e impacto en la sociedad; definiciones del concepto de extensión y de los modelos que poseen en la actualidad un arraigo en la vida de las instituciones de educación superior, estos últimos responden a diversas posturas ideológicas y concepciones acerca de la relación que debe existir entre la Universidad, (...)
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  35. La consolación de la filosofía: la postura pre-crítica respecto de la muerte y la inmortalidad en la carta de Immanuel Kant a la viuda von Funk (1760).Pedro Jesús Teruel - 2009 - Diálogo Filosófico 74:267-281.
  36. “La referencia de lo que me concierne y me mira en nombre del animal”: La mirada animal en La ideología de los perros (2020) de Mauricio Embry.Mariela Ramírez Peña - 2025 - Valenciana 35:7-32.
    El presente artículo estudia la mirada del animal en la novela La ideología de los perros (2020) del escritor Mauricio Embry. La narración se centra en la voz de un niño que crece en un Chile de postdictadura militar y, además, lo hace desde un hogar pinochetista. Esta voz se cruza con otros dos personajes, Andrés y Arnoldo, para formar un único relato. En este marco, la hipótesis de investigación sostiene que el encuentro con la mirada del animal posibilita la (...)
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    Entre peregrinos y convertidos: tensiones en la investigación de sistemas religiosos de inspiración afro en Colombia.Luis Carlos Castro Ramírez - 2024 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 7 (1):29-57.
    El presente artículo es el resultado de reflexiones teóricas-metodológicas alrededor del estudio del fenómeno religioso, específicamente el que concierne al de sistemas religiosos de inspiración afro en Colombia entre 2003-2023. El objetivo es analizar las problemáticas de la investigación sobre estos sistemas religiosos en diáspora dentro del contexto nacional. La discusión señala una serie de tensiones y contradicciones teóricas-metodológicas en las que se ven involucradas/os las/os investigadoras/es insertas/os en el mundo académico, las cuales inician desde el momento mismo en que (...)
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    El Hospital General de Madrid. Parte III: de Campomanes y Floridablanca a nuestros días.Pedro García Barreno - 1997 - Arbor 156 (613):93-127.
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    Soren Kierkegaard. El libro sobre Adler.Alejandro Ramírez Figueroa - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:331-336.
    Resumen:“Arrojar luz sobre nuestra época”; esa fue la finalidad central que declara haber tenido Kierkegaard para escribir acerca de lo que significó el caso jurídico llevado en contra de Adolph Adler (Prefacio: 21), y para hacer toda su filosofía, se podría añadir (desde el escrito de Gilleleje, Temor y temblor, Lo uno o lo otro, el Postcriptum y, especialmente, hasta los artículos de El instante). Expresiones similares acerca del sentido de su proyecto filosófico general lo expresa Kierkegaard en varios momentos (...)
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  40. La frontera del Reino de Granada a través del libro de actas del Cabildo de Jaén de 1476.Pedro Andrés Porras Arboleda - forthcoming - Al-Qantara, Xiv (Madrid, 1993).[Links].
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    La caza vs. la cría de ungulados cinegéticos: la producción de naturaleza como respuesta a las exigencias de la sociedad occidental del siglo XXI.Pedro Corell Alcantarilla - 2017 - Arbor 193 (786):417.
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  42. Românticos, os seres anfí­bios: entre a crí­tica de Kant e a sí­ntese de Hegel.Pedro Duarte de Andrade - 2010 - Princípios 17 (27):75-96.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca compreender a situaçáo filosófica de alguns dos autores cujas vidas e cujos pensamentos estiveram entre Kant e Hegel. Romantismo alemáo foi como ficou conhecida esta época. Dentre seus primeiros autores, estiveram Friedrich Schlegel e Novalis, além de Hölderlin. Tais pensadores buscaram superar a crítica feita por Kant à pretensáo do conhecimento filosófico de alcançar a verdade absoluta, as coisas como sáo em si mesmas. Essa superaçáo, contudo, jamais conseguiu, para eles, completar-se – como aconteceria depois no (...)
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    ¿Por qué deberíamos recuperar la crítica ideológica en la teoría del derecho?Pablo Raúl Bonorino Ramírez - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la importancia que tiene recuperar el concepto de «ideología» y con él la labor de crítica ideológica en la teoría del derecho. En las teorías positivistas de Kelsen y Ross era uno de los conceptos centrales, pero cayó paulatinamente en desuso en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, tanto a nivel político como en el campo específico de la teoría jurídica. En este trabajo se examinan algunas de las razones por las que se (...)
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    Propuesta de intervención psicopedagógica orientada a la gestión del conflicto escolar en la Institución Educativa Alfonso López Pumarejo desde un enfoque restaurativo.Leidy Johana Quintero Marulanda & Angelica María Echeverry Ramírez - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-19.
    En este artículo se muestra el diseño de una propuesta de intervención psicopedagógica orientada a la gestión del conflicto escolar desde un enfoque restaurativo, que surge de la pregunta de investigación sobre ¿cuáles son las estrategias restaurativas que podrían contribuir a un manejo eficaz del conflicto en la sede Central de la Institución Educativa Alfonso López Pumarejo? El ejercicio tomó como referencia los aportes de Howard Zehr en cuanto al cambio de lentes que sugiere como acercamiento a los pilares, principios (...)
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    De inseguridades, miedos y temores . Una aproximación a la noción de justicia e injusticia en jóvenes de barrios populares del gran Buenos Aires.Damián Corral & Pedro Núñez - 2005 - Polis 11.
    La percepción de la población acerca de la justicia e injusticia está sujeta a una reformulación evidente, debido en gran parte al proceso de transformación socioeconómica, los cambios en la estructura de oportunidades proporcionadas por el Estado y el mercado de trabajo, la crisis del marco institucional –y de las normas y valores interiorizados– y el derrumbe de las estructuras sociales que proporcionaban a los individuos una percepción de igualdad y seguridad.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar, desde una perspectiva (...)
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    O estatuto da vida contemplativa e ativa na mística especulativa de Mestre Eckhart com base no Sermão 86, a excelência de Marta sobre Maria.Moises Alves & Pedro Calixto - 2022 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (24):271-301.
    O seguinte artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a interpretação realizada pelo filósofo e místico alemão Mestre Eckhart, das figuras de Marta e Maria no sermão de número 86 A Excelência de Marta sobre Maria. Apoiado neste sermão, faremos algumas análises filosóficas dos conceitos de vida contemplativa e vida ativa, pois compreendemos que ao realizar a interpretação da superioridade de Marta sobre Maria, Mestre Eckhart estabelece um novo paradigma interpretativo da vida contemplativa e ativa na filosofia medieval. Palavras-chaves: Mestre Eckhart. Mística. (...)
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    Readability of the informed consent forms in Flanders using the Douma index: Analyzing the documents that help patients make decisions.María del Valle Ramírez-Durán, María del Valle Coronado-Vázquez & María Isabel Mariscal-Crespo - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):81-87.
    Informed consent forms have been useful in clinical practice and they constitute a part of the shared decision making in the informed consent process. They provide information to patients about clinical procedures and techniques. They also act as a remainder of the information discussed after the medical interview. Sometimes these documents are not readable to everybody. Belgian law specifies that all information that patients receive has to be proportionate verbally, but written information is also handled. The present research analyzes the (...)
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    Possibilité et réalité de l'idéalisme transcendantal.Teresa Pedro - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (3):403-415.
    A partir de la question de la possibilité de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans la deuxième section du SIT, nous analysons le statut des preuves de l’idéalisme transcendantal, en tentant d’en fournir une systématisation. Dans ce cadre, nous essayons de montrer, d’une part, que la problématique d’une preuve de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans le SIT rejoint la dimension critique de la philosophie kantienne et, d’autre part, que ce problème conduit Schelling à un dépassement de l’idéalisme transcendantal dans une philosophie de l’art.With a view (...)
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    En torno a Pedro S. Zulen: selección de escritos y estudios complementarios.Pedro S. Zulen - 2013 - Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Fondo Editorial. Edited by Joel Rojas Huaynates, Segundo Montoya Huamaní & Carlos Reyes Álvarez.
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    8 Bridging Lexical Knowledge and Literacy.Daphne Meng-Ying Lin, Gloria Ramírez, Jennifer Shade Wilson & Esther Geva - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming (ed.), Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 102.
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